Make your garden beautiful with raised beds

Make your garden beautiful with raised beds

The advantages of having raised beds in the garden are many. Most use raised beds to grow crops, but also for plants, flowers or perennials that are beautiful to look at. Here you can read more about why it's great to have raised beds as well as how you get started with making raised beds for the garden.

Make a vegetable garden in a raised bed

Raised beds are ideal for laying of vegetable gardens. It is the because the vegetable garden will naturally bounded. Typically, the area easy to hold. A raised bed, as the name suggests, is brought in slightly higher than normal garden beds and this makes it easy to hatch and care for the earth. If you have a dream of being self-sufficient in vegetables, it's just a matter of how many raised beds, you have room for. The possibilities are endless when you can plant everything possible, from herbs and vegetables to plants and sunflowers.

Easy and cheap raised beds with pallet collars

One can build a raised bed from scratch with corner posts and planks. But many have people have found a simpler method, namely by means of pallet collars. Pallet collars are available in various sizes, but typically has the size 80 x 120 x 20 cm. You can find them for cheap prices and help you to avoid even cutting boards and corner poles. Be aware that to use multiple pallet collars to one raised bed. How many depends on how high a raised bed you want. So there is plenty of room to grow multiple crops in a raised bed. You can fine place pallet framework directly on the tile, if you do not want to place them in the garden. You should paint pallet framework outside with a good wood treatment if you want to extend the tree's life.

Getting started with your raised bed

When you need to build a raised bed, you must first ensure that the amount of materials to suit the size of raised bed or the number of raised beds, as you wish. For easier to place corner posts, planks or pallet hits the ground, it's a good idea to turn the soil several times, so it becomes soft. Place the pallet frame and alternatively cornestones first and then the planks. In order to retain moisture and to protect the tree can hold prayed inside with plastic. Use lecanødder or pebbles as drainage material at the bottom of the raised bed. There may well be up to 10 centimeters drainage material. Last to be fertile soil in the raised bed. It should not soil as the plants also takes a lot of space. To always fill the extra soil around the plants as they are placed.