Tips for preparation of exam

Tips for preparation of exam

Exams are a stressful time, which gives many palpitations, sweaty palms and constantly feel guilty about doing nothing but sit hunched over the books at home. In this article you can read about 3 tips on how to best prepare for the exam.

Get well with nutrition

It is important that you get a good diet throughout the day when you prepare. Eat a good breakfast and lunch, which saturates and provide energy. A little tip is to have fruit and snacks close to you, so you do not sugar cold. By eating healthy small meals, keep you better body and brain working, and keep a stable blood sugar throughout the day. In addition, you must also remember to drink water. Just a small loss of fluid balance can put your brain in slow motion, where the concentration may fall and short-term memory pauses - so be sure to drink evenly with water throughout the day.

Prepare well in advance

It's no good thinking you can learn the entire syllabus by heart three days before the exam. The brain learns best over time. Therefore, start your preparation well in advance. That way, you also have plenty of time to structuring the various topics and your time. By starting early, do not stress through the topics and you have time to prepare properly.

Let the brain relax

It is important that you give your brain a break once in a while and let your body relax. If you feel you have grown tired of reading, so go away from the books for a moment and think of something else. For example you can just do the dishes or take a walk, so you get fresh air to the brain. That way you will return to the books with renewed energy. It is also important that you get proper sleep at night, so your brain is fully rested and ready for a new day.

Want more tips on how to prepare, you may want to read about these study techniques .