Funen spring: Experience ecology and wildlife in Odense and the surrounding area

Funen spring: Experience ecology and wildlife in Odense and the surrounding area

We Danes are part of one of the nations in the world that buys the most ecology and focuses most on local, good raw materials. In a study from Agriculture & Food , we see that the Danes in the fight for a climate-neutral Denmark in 2050 are putting more effort now than we have done before. The great support for ecology is seen especially in our dedication to organic vegetables and dairy, and in fact 46% of us often buy organic goods in one form or another.

It is therefore no wonder that we have opened our eyes to the events that our organic farmers around Denmark arrange. Especially spring is a party for agriculture: Here we are invited to visit various organic farms for eco-day and safari.

Read on and get our best offer on how you can get really close to the ecology - and other shades of wildlife if you are not visiting agriculture - in the lovely, Funen spring weather.

Come on a spring visit to Funen farms

Every year, when spring has really kicked off, the big Eco Day takes place. The eco-day is also known as the cows' feast day, as it is the day they filled with energy from the winter coming on grass again. If you've not been involved, you've no doubt seen some funny videos from the day over the years - or maybe live videos from the last two years. But now that we can once again gather without restrictions, Eco Day and the cows' turn on grass must be celebrated in style. You can go out on local farms in Ringe and Årslev and see the cows being let loose after a winter in the barn, and it does not go smoothly.

Odense and the surrounding area are also part of the craze, and here you can not only see cows grazing - you can also get on the safari . Yes, you read that right: safari, not safari. Sofari is a pig safari, where, like on a "normal" Ecoday, you see the cute, snorted pigs grazing - and it goes at least as wildly as it does when the cows are shut out. You can go on safari in Kerteminde and Haarby , where there will be activities for children and adults and a few competitions during the day.

Stay in the city - but get close to the animals

Would you rather look at more exotic animals or get rid of the lovely, rural fog? Then there are several things you can do in Odense that you do not have to pull on your rubber boots to keep up with. If you would like a closer look at what is happening around Odense, visit Dinbyodense. dk here .

The Funen Animal Show

Do you want to experience agriculture, but in a slightly different way? Then you can visit the Funen Animal Show. Here you get close to all kinds of animals, machines and farm shops. It's the ultimate outing for the whole family - or if you and your friends want one on the experience in a way you do not just get it for everyday.

Odense Zoo

Are you on the more classic trip out looking at animals, and would you like to see animals from all corners of the world? Then a visit to Odense Zoo never fails. Here you can see everything from tigers and giraffes to lemurs and kangaroos. You can also pet goats and ponies, if you still can not completely stay away from the famous classics when it comes to farm animals.