Focus on Talents

Focus on Talents

Science Skills equips teachers to teach talents in science and provide challenging of talents. It should motivate young people and encourage more people to take a science degree.
Square roots and quadratic equations are indiscriminately thrown out of the room. 27 students sit in small groups and are in full swing to prepare questions for math jeopardy. Students are at Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Knowledge Centre in Sorø, where there have been busy since the Centre was launched on 5 August 2009.

In the schools

About a half years ago, the project Science Talents. Science Talents is based at the information center and assume the national talent development in science for young people from 12 to 20 years. Since talent project began, there has been a particular focus on getting talent care on the individual skole.Det says she adds Lund, talent manager of the information center. "We have conducted courses in which teachers from upper secondary schools and HTX has received specific tools for how to nurture talent, teach them and awaken their interest in science," she says. One of the specific tools are organized courses that teachers can copy and use in their own teaching. It has, among other Viborg Gymnasium and HF done.

Everyone gets offer

For there must also be made for students of primary school age, the knowledge center has been visited by representatives from the 25 Science municipalities. "Subsequently, we have been out in eight municipalities where they start projects up now. The other municipalities, we also still in contact with, "she adds Lund and tells the rest of the country's municipalities will get a similar deal in the near future. She adds Lund believes that it is necessary to offer to the natural talents. "There are some students who are not being sufficiently challenged in everyday life. It is about giving them more challenges, so they retain interest and continue to develop, "she says.

Camp for talents

At one of the tables in the room are two boys and discuss which questions to ask in jeopardy. "Let us ask if they can prime number 170," suggests one of the boys. "Do you even know yourself what it is?" Asks his companion. The two boys are on Camp4Youth which is one of the camps, which is part of the Science Speaking Ternes services for young people. Science Talents for example has also held Talent Camp Energy, which was a battle between colleges, as well as a climate conference, where students have collaborated with students from the United States to find a solution to the climate challenges. At these camps are talents challenged and meet others with the same interest.

Required with offers

She adds Lund is no doubt that several of talents also equals more that takes a scientific education. "If we do not have an offer for those who are really good at science, we risk that they lose interest because there are enough challenges," she says. She adds Lund says that the hope and the vision is that all schools in the future have an offer for the especially talented students. Back in the room sits the two companions. The answer to the difficult question comes promptly and with the utmost conviction. "It's 1013," says the boy before a big smile reveals that he had found the answer in advance.

Science municipality

A Science-municipality is a municipality with a strategy for development of science area that interact with the municipality's strategy for business. Via active interaction in "science chain" seeing children, young people and teachers a thread / strategy for science and technology throughout the school. Source: Ministry of Education