More subjects in primary schools to be covered by compulsory courses trained teachers

More subjects in primary schools to be covered by compulsory courses trained teachers

Progress towards main subject coverage in elementary school. Physics / chemistry, German, English, French and woodwork have decent coverage, but all in all, the situation is not satisfactory.
"Ich bin, du bist is, sie, es ist " will be 83 percent of the country's elementary school classes remset up of teachers with German as a main subject. 97 percent if you count competence on main subject coverage. Germany tops the list of main subjects coverage, closely followed by the subjects physics / chemistry, English, French and woodwork, where public schools have reported that over 75 percent of the classes are taught by teachers who have as their main subject. It shows a new report from UNI • C, on behalf of the advisory group for teacher training have examined main subject coverage in 1,280 of the country's 1,500 schools. The purpose of the study was to obtain the necessary factual knowledge to qualify due to the group's assessment of the balance between student teachers' choice of main subjects and the needs of schools. The report shows a tendency for the main subject coverage is highest in secondary schools. In most subjects there is a constant coverage from 1st-6th class, which happens a boost in coverage for the higher grade. The report also shows that the main subject coverage in science / technology has increased compared to a sample survey of 400 schools in 2006. At that time there was in science / technology coverage of 16 percent, and 35 percent had "capabilities equivalent to main subject", that is, competences that they for example have got through continuing education or long-term courses. Now figures show 30 percent and 44 percent. Education Minister Bertel Haarder said: "In 14 out of 17 subjects over 80 percent of the teachers as their main subject or skills that match his major. I am delighted that it is moving forward with the main subject coverage in science / technology, but all in all, the situation is not satisfactory. I am afraid that schools weigh considerations other than competence consideration when the forms provided. The survey shows that many school leaders prioritize continuity of teacher crew in each class very high, even relative main subject coverage. I recognize that this is an important consideration, but it should not mean that they compromise on teachers' professional skills, "he says. It is especially the smallest subjects that are being forgotten. At the bottom is Christian studies, where only 22 percent of the classes covered by the main subjects trained teachers. Other subjects, which is relatively low in coverage, the science / technology, history and social studies. The latest estimate for the teacher students' choice of main subjects show that both Christian studies and social studies are popular main subject, chosen by many students. Therefore in the coming years be recruited many new teachers in primary schools with these main subjects. To increase coverage, the Ministry has the last half year authorized a series of experiments with teacher education major. Among other things, approved experiments in which physics / chemistry, science / technology, geography and biology treated as a subject of 36 ECTS credits. The juxtaposition means that more students can choose these main subjects. There also experimented arrangements with sports and history, so more hopefully choose the main subject. The report also shows that the main subject coverage in the subjects Danish, mathematics, physics / chemistry, English, biology, geography, German, needlework, woodwork and home economics are somewhat higher in large schools than small. With regard to the subject French have small schools reported a higher main subject coverage than large schools, and the rest of the subjects, there is little or no difference between small and large schools. The chairman of the advisory group for teacher training, Per B. Christensen, said about the survey: "As a reference group, we have initiated the study because we need to have a clear picture of how it looks with the main subject coverage out of school. We have now, and it is an important tool in the follow up group further work when we need to make recommendations to the Minister and conciliation on compulsory courses structure. "The Minister looks forward to receiving follow the recommendations of the group after the summer. "The report gives us an important basis for assessing whether we need to adjust our teacher training so that more students choose subjects which are now largely handled by teachers who do not have them as the main subject," says Bertel Haarder. Source: Ministry of Education