Your gender determines your choice of education

Your gender determines your choice of education

Young men will be blacksmiths and mechanics, while young women will be hairdressers and dental assistants. The choice of education shows that gender segregation will live and kicking generations ahead. The research highlights that both politicians and the social partners have great responsibility to break down the crooked educational choices, and LO-secretary believes that the trade committees have failed.
There is no need for many mens toilets on the country's social and health care schools. Quite a few young men want to train for social and health care helper. Every time 17 young women looking into the social and health care training, looking only one young man recording. And there is no service for ladies toilets on forging lines at Denmark's technical schools. For young women will learn to weld, figures from the Ministry of Education of young people's approach to vocational education in 2007. Judging by the young people's choice of training will work in the next generations continue to be crooked. Young men would rather smell of motor oil, while women prefer the smell of hair conditioner, and although for many years has been run campaigns to soften the young people's gender-segregated educational choices, it failed for almost all vocational training. Some courses sex ratio even been even more lopsided. They include the crafting programs. In 2001, 10 percent of the new students threw young women. In 2007, women's share dwindled to six percent. Similarly, there has been a decrease in the number of young women want to become an electrician. In 2001, 15 percent of new electrician students were women, whereas six years later had dropped to 14 percent. For other VET has sex ratio not budged one iota. This applies mekaniker- and bricklaying education, which is still dominated entirely by men. Within the typical female professions as dentists and hairdressers are not made significantly more men into education. Nor on social and health education are the men in line to break down gender barriers.

The boys is stationary

Labour and gender researcher at Roskilde University (RUC) Karen Sjørup call it extremely interesting, but also shameful that are not created greater gender balance in vocational education in recent years. "When you look only at the vocational training system, it has not moved. But if you look secondary education generally, there have been significant changes. The young women are today in high school and takes since a long training. As women move educational, while the boys hold on artisan training, "she says. Figures from Statistics Denmark confirms Karen Sjørups point. In 2007 11,952 young men in vocational training in building and construction. The same year, 11,728 young men at the Gymnasium. Or in other words - more young men seek each year into craftsman education than high school. In comparison, began 18,355 girls in upper secondary schools in 2007. "In my opinion, there has been a rapid development of girls' education and career choices in recent years, while the boys standstill. It also means that boys are much more vulnerable in the future labor market, "says Karen Sjørup and whereas people with long education will fare best in the future knowledge society. Karen Sjørup emphasizes that both politicians and the social partners have largely responsible for analyzing young people's educational choices and carry out action plans to break down the gender wry educational choices. "We have to change some stereotypes of what is masculine and feminine to work with. Men in women, for example, often afraid of being seen as a 'bøsserøv' and if their self-perception of being man challenged, they seek not in the profession, "she says, adding that the same is true for women . LO secretary Ejner K. Holst is alarmed that young men still clump together on håndværkeruddannelser and women in hairdressing and omsorgsfagene. We will not change on young people's choice of education, he predicts that unequal pay and inequality between men and women will continue for many generations yet because the leaning labor reproduces itself. "We get no real equality in Denmark before we get a less gender segregated labor market. Women are never allowed to pay for the segregated labor market, both in terms of pay and leadership positions, and we have only changed the gender segregation, when the young are educated out of it, "notes Ejner K. Holst. A better balance between the sexes in the workplace lanes automatic way for more equality, he said. "There is no doubt that in an artisan culture with equal numbers of men and women, men get used to that maternity leave is granted. They are not used to in a male-dominated profession with almost zero women. A mix of both men and women in the workplace provides another working environment with respect for both genders, "says Ejner K. Holst.

Malernes ladies

The trade of painting is the only traditional male jobs where women throughout the 1990s kept theres took in step with toxic paints were taken off the shelves. In 2001, 57 percent of the new painter pupils men and 43 percent women, but in recent years, the gender split again on the wrong path. In 2007, only one in four new paint pupil a woman. Despite the fact that women no longer flock to picturesque education at the same pace as eight years ago, says Union President in the Painters' Union Jørn Erik Nielsen, the paints trade today is as much a female as a male profession. And the development he will never want to turn back. "It is a strength for professionals that we attract both young men and women. In principle it does not matter whether a windowsill or a ceiling painted by a man or a woman, but for the working environment and the tone in the workplace is a great advantage that both sexes are represented, "says Jørn Erik Nielsen. In addition, he emphasizes that without women's search for the subject had been difficult for the labor market to recruit skilled painters enough in recent years, when the boom has meant building boom. According to Jørn Erik Nielsen gets labor market more robust when there is a mix of men and women in all branches. What has Painters' Union then made to lure the girls into mandehørmen? According to Jørn Erik Nielsen is the quiet and tranquil been easy as that connected via agreements secured the women some rights during pregnancy and maternity leave. "And so we called the masters of the trade committee to make no distinction between the sexes, and it gave fresh impetus in the women's search for the profession," he says. Michelle Hallberg is one of the young women who have chosen paints trade and next year get her certificate. Her grandfather was a painter and despite the fact that it is a male profession, she had no hesitation to apply for Technical Education Center in Gladsaxe. "The boys are nice enough, and they behave very gentleman-like to me, because I'm the only girl in a class of 16 students," says Michelle Hallberg, who had no trouble getting a teacher place with a master painter in Hvidovre. The young painter's apprentice experience both the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman in a male profession. "The men take into account, but I can feel that there is sometimes a tough tone in scouring the carts out on the building sites. They talk much about the ladies, and then I'll close just the ears, "says Michelle Hallberg and stresses that she has never regretted his choice of education.

The supervisors up on his toes

LO secretary Ejner K. Holst considers it crucial that business counselors in elementary school takes responsibility to lure more women into male professions and more men into the female subjects. "There is no doubt that professional counselors could use more energy in a manual where they challenge young people's norms and stereotypes in educational choices. Will the supervisors explained to the girls that they can easily be electricians without being filthy and electrician course not physically tougher than many other subjects, "he asks and believes that counselors must put some other pictures. Raising awareness of girls in male jobs and choice of role models have failed, and therefore new methods. The academic committee composed of representatives from employers, trade unions and vocational schools, also plays a key role in getting young people to choose untraditional think Ejner K. Holst. He strongly urges the committee to analyze the reasons why one or the other sex are not looking for their subjects. "One of the principal tasks of a technical committee is to ensure that they offer courses that provide employment and recruit widely among both men and women. In some subjects, it is natural to wonder why the subject is still only attracts one sex. I wonder now that certain subjects with a shortage of labor has not proved so delicious to some of the too many girls who seek hairdressing. They will all be hairdressers, but there is not enough hair in the world for them. "The academic committee will put much greater emphasis on attracting the entire year group and not just half. "It is foolish to rely on only half of the labor market. If you want some young people with certain qualifications, there is thus twice as many, if you look at the whole range, "says LO secretary. Source: LO weekly newsletter