You must remember that when you move away from home

You must remember that when you move away from home

For students in Danish higher education it can be difficult to be 100% prepared to move away from home and leave the mother's safe environment with plenty of food and always clean sheets. But while it can be a little scary, it's also super exciting to move out of their way with unfamiliar surroundings, responsibilities and a nice interior design task in the waiting.

Read on and get some advice on how to prepare you for the best possible move from home.


Remember basic items for everyday use

Some of the things you often forget when you suddenly have to move into a new home are basic items such as towels , soaps, dishes, brushes, etc. These are things you always need, but you are not guaranteed Standing and thinking when you are heading out the door from the usual surroundings of mom and dad. And it's really annoying when you're in the new apartment and missing what you just need. But the forgetting is not so great that one can not easily get rid of the problem. Because with an online booklet, you are reminded of what you need to buy into your new apartment, and it can actually be a big help, as you often have a lot about the ears in connection with a move.


Do not forget the insurance - it can be expensive

One of the things you either forget or intentionally do not buy is insurance. But even if it is cheaper to have no insurance, it's so bad if you suddenly stand in a situation where the bicycle has been stolen or you have been subjected to burglary. Because even though it's unlikely, the money is "well spent" if it should happen. At least, it may be quite expensive if you do not have a home insurance, and you can stolen your bike for the second time. So, at least, you should just rethink if the insurance is not already earned home.

However, there are many study-friendly solutions that do not include towering fights and irreversible self-risk rates, but are made especially for the poor students who might have opted for no insurance at all. In the vast majority of cases, these student insurances are offered by the affiliated unions who, in cooperation with an insurance company, have made some solutions where the admission requirement is to be enrolled in higher education. And if that is not the case, you can always check with an insurance broker. Whatever your insurance, you can get a solution that is especially suitable for students.

Have these things considered. Download a digital checklist and examine the possibilities for drawing up insurance. Then you are well-run and ready to move from home.