Barbar Bar

Barbar Bar

Barbar Bar is a super cozy cafe and cocktail bar located near Vesterbro Torv.

Barbar Bar has many delicious dishes on the menu. Are you early, then we can highly recommend the kitchen brunch - here you get everything that belongs to you a classic brunch - a student-friendly price.

Barbar Bar also offers traditional cafe dishes such as salads with salmon, chicken and duck.

Are you more for sandwiches, then Barbar Bar 4 tasty with parma ham, salmon, chicken and a vegetarian version. Do you eat out, then Barbar Bar hot dishes as f. Ex veal, today's stew, grilled salmon and pasta.

You can also order "take out".

Weather permitting, you can choose to eat outside and be part of the vibrant city life on Vesterbro Torv.
Barbar Bar offers classics like Mojito, Espresso Martini, Dry Martini, Harvey Wallbanger, Strawberry Daquiri, Caripirinha and many more.


Vesterbrogade 51
1620 København V

Contact info

3331 8889

Opening Hours

Søndag til onsdag fra kl. 10.00 til 24.00
Torsdag til lørdag fra kl. 10.00 til 02.00.

Køkken har åbent alle dage fra kl. 10.00 til 21.00.


Barbar Bar's website

Barbar Bar