Annual Celebration on University

Annual Celebration on University

On October 1, featuring University, staff and students as well as their spouse or girlfriend to Southern Årsfest 2010 and the subsequent celebration.
The event starts at. 16 in Auditorium 45 at Campusvej. Thus there will here be welcomed by President of the University Board, Johannes Due. Then, in addition to the musical entertainment from Southern University Chamber Choir to be speeches by Rector Jens Oddershede and Journalism student Jens Theil. Then there will be the obligatory award ceremonies and promotion of honorary doctorates. And the ending of the day's program will Associate Professor Nils Arne Sorensen hold a special lecture. Finally, at. 18:45 be dining and especially subsequent dance pm. 21 and party until after midnight. Dance tickets must be purchased in advance, so it is to obtain a ticket before it's too late! Dance Tickets cost 40 kr.