
Arbejdsgiver: Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S


Område: Danmark, Den Europæiske Union, Europa, Europæisk Økonomisk Samarbejdsområde, Kastrup, Norden, Region Hovedstaden, Sjælland, Skandinavien, Storkøbenhavn, Tårnby, Øresundsregionen

Opslået: 23/05/2024

Ansøgningsfrist: 23/06/2024


Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S



Are you curious about how information such as scientific publications and competitor information is utilized within a pharmaceutical company?

Se video om Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S som arbejdsplads

We are searching for the next bright student to assist us 10-15 hours per week – starting mid-August or at the beginning of September 2024 at latest.

The position will be placed in Ferring’s spectacular brand-new facility located close to Copenhagen airport. Here you will be surrounded by highly skilled and equally dedicated colleagues including various experts and specialists that you will collaborate with as part of your daily tasks.

Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S

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