Youtube in Danish?

Google has today opened to the Danish version of YouTube, at However, it is not managed Koda (The artists' rights organization) to achieve an agreement with Google, therefore there is still no Danish artists on

Koda writes on his website:
"Koda and YouTube agree on many of the overarching principles to ensure payment to the performers, but the agreement is not finalized. We are currently in intense negotiations with YouTube and we are working on a solution as soon as possible."

Advertisers have more opportunities

It's old news that Google earns money from advertisers via YouTube what is new is the possibility of actual partner programs and advertising. Through the alliance allows you advertisements on duplicate content or content you upload to YouTube. This feature allows artists in the longer term will be able to get money when their content is displayed.

Koda writes:
agreement with YouTube therefore represents a decisive step towards ensuring that Danish music consumption takes place in legal services." In addition to this call Koda "it is imperative for artists to build a commercial market around digital services."
