Visitation Zones are introduced in Odense

Visitation Zones are introduced in Odense

On 14 January at. 16 introduced Odense Police several search zones in Odense city center. Zones came in response to episodes of stabbing in Odense nightlife.
Visitation zones take effect one month the time, but police reserves the right to extend the time period if they consider it necessary. Previously, the process was such that the police only conducted a body search if there was a concrete suspicion that an individual bar on the knife or the like. arms. Visitation Zones allow police to frisk all individuals who may move or stay in these zones, even without concrete suspicion. The visitation covers the individual's clothing and vehicle. We hope it can serve as a deterrent and help to create security, said Michael Flemming Rasmussen, chief police inspector for Funen and Stripes. Visitation zone applies 24/7 and within the following range: * Hans Mules Gade * Overgade * Brogade * Nedergade * Thomas B. Thrige Gade * St. Canute Place * Klosterbakken * Filosofgangen * Søndergade * New Vestergade * Pantheoensgade * Vindegade * Kongensgade * Crossed: Eastern / Western Stationsvej / Rugårdsvej * Banegårdspladsen / Odense Central Station * Adam Street Source: Funen Herald-Tribune