Young people must be trained to society's heroes

Young people must be trained to society's heroes

The job as a nurse or teacher gives great personal gains. To write chairman of the municipal children's and cultural directors, Per B. Christensen, Ministry of Education relay on education.
"We have to kill the myth that public office is a gray mass. The reality is that the job as a teacher, educator or nurse are both dedicated and focused. "So says Per B. Christensen, chairman of the municipal children's and cultural directors, which is this month's contributor to the Ministry of Education relay on education. In his baton posts puts Per B. Christensen focus on the need for new thinking for profession-colleges welfare programs to appear as attractive educational opportunities for young people. Among Per B. Christensen's proposals to strengthen professional education programs are: * Clarification of the career paths that welfare programs leading to the labor market and the education system * Strengthening education economy * Development of new roles and education for the boys who today choose welfare programs and municipal jobs from. Personal gains the innovative act according to Per B. Christensen also about getting young people's eyes to the prizes by selecting a welfare program. "The people who help an unhappy family member of a demented, caring for a cancer patient in the hospital or teach a seven-year reading - the people are everyday heroes. Our main task now is to have planted a desire in young people to be one of these heroes, "says Per B. Christensen.