Secondary education and training deadline postponed

Secondary education and training deadline postponed

Ministry of Education's web-based recording system causes problems due to congestion, as 90,000 students from primary school and 10th grade have problems to apply for college or vocational training.
Ministry of Education has now decided to postpone the deadline from d. 15 March to 20 March. The President of the secondary school principals, Peter Kuhlman is not satisfied. "It's a whole year group of young people who can not apply for a secondary education." This year is the first time it is obligatory to enroll via the Web page The automatic collection of student data and characters created problems, and IT system does not cope with the large influx of users. Peter Kuhlman points out the importance of a system that makes it mandatory to seek digitally must work 100% before it is used, and fears that some parents and students think that they have sent an application, it still has not gone through . The problem delaying the entire planning of the new classes of education, and young people should probably wait to get an answer on whether they are busy until after Easter. Erik Møller Hansen, senior consultant in the Ministry of Education's guidance office, believes it is an excessive fear, and is confident that the only consequence is that students, parents and schools now have an extra week to a few applications along, and that secondary schools receive applications a week later. It has been from the Ministry of Education tried to secure the system against overload, and it has now upgraded the system, and will make sure that it all works perfectly for next year.