Unskilled children have poor odds

Unskilled children have poor odds

Unskilled children about seven times as likely not to get an education as their peers with highly educated parents. It shows a new study by the Labour Movement (AErådet) hedging unskilled children's education.
Lars Andersen AE council director, says among other things that we imagine that there are equal opportunities in education, but it is not so in reality. Trond Beldo Klausen, associate professor at Aalborg University, the figures are deeply worrying. Both agree that you can get far by combating the dropout rate in vocational training, which is one of the schools where it goes wrong for children with a weak home background. Minister of Education recognizes that it has not yet found the philosopher's stone in the struggle to break the negative social legacy. He points out, however, that various initiatives are underway, such as mentoring. Source: Newsletter A4