Top 10 dont's when you need to organize an event on the study

Top 10 dont's when you need to organize an event on the study

Look at the list and see if you are guilty.




How to keep just a studio event and have success with it? Maybe you just become a part of your celebration committee, perhaps you have plenty of experience with the organization of parties and events on your studies. Maybe you recognize the immense lists of 1 million to do's, phone chimes in 24 hours and you have deadlines around the corner. There are lots of things to take into consideration when planning a study event.

We have made a list so you can easily and efficiently get on the right track with your event and learn much more about how you avoid the pitfalls when planning the next studio party. Look at the list and see if you are guilty.

1. You do not start with the basics

Do not waste time to daydream about icing and decorations without having baked the cake first! When you need to organize a study event with a tight deadline, so make sure that the basics are in place first. The glaze can wait! Once you have made your to-do list, organize it as a recipe in logical steps. Need to-do first, then Nice to-do!

2. You are working around the clock!

You never stop working! Even if you have a large studio event you need to have control of, so there must also be time to get reading homework, have seen friends and family. Set limits for your time!

3. You do not ask for help

You do not need the people around you. You are perhaps facing a problem you do not know how to fix and keep running with his head against the wall. Ask for help! More often than not, people around you more than willing to lend a hand.

4. You do not plan

You take ad hoc tasks. Instead of spending time at the beginning of the process to get a handle on all the tasks and make a prioritized list of things to do, so tipping tasks on top of each other. Tal tasks for the event through with your team or party committees - the way many challenges nipped in the bud!

5. You do not tackle the challenges

Albert Einstein is credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and then expect a different result. If you find yourself with the same problem again and again, then the problem is probably not what you think! Maybe you need to think differently in how you tackle it. Do not place a bandage where you need stitches. See the challenge in the eye and cause it to disappear.

6. You do not think in sponsorships

Your studio event has value! Companies see students as a very attractive target group - it can exploit. If your event is not so large, you may need to think of alternative, less sponsorship - but hey, if you can get free beer, shots, party favors, pens - why not do it?

7. You do not use technology

Technology is here to stay! So take advantage of it. For example you can use Trello for planning and managing tasks or BilletFix to keep track of your subscriptions - the list of online tools is long, and do not be afraid to use them!

8. You do not use social media

Use Facebook and Instagram to get even more involved in your event. Create a page or a group of your event, then your visitors always know where they can get information about the event. Remember to get friends to share the event and invite each other, low fat spreads, and do not forget a nice cover picture.

9. You shall not delegate the tasks

Are you a micro manager? Then you need to change it. You must have the confidence and the confidence to delegate tasks and responsibilities to other members of the team, so you can free up time and energy to concentrate on driving other tasks to the doorstep.

10. You do not prioritize tasks

This goes without saying, but it is often ignored! Prioritization of tasks can help to save time and make sure that you reach the goals. If you have a larger project that is important but will run for a few days / weeks, then dedicate some time each day to work on it, so you do not fall behind.

We hope that raw; Countries will help you to arrange your next event, so it just gets a little easier getting a great event for your fellow students.