Talents get a taste for school leadership

Talents get a taste for school leadership

Talent Development Process for future school leaders are successful. Four out of five people now know whether they will be principals.
Primary school will be lacking leaders in the future. Therefore, 200 teachers carry out the program "Talent management - the future of primary school." 96 teachers have currently completed the course. The purpose of the course is that teachers can be clarified with respect to whether they have the desire and skills to go looking the way and prepare future leaders for the task. Half of the teachers expect to seek a leadership position when the opportunity arises. I am for Children and Education Christine Antorini that so many of the participants have developed a taste for the management task. "We know that a good school leadership is essential for teachers and pupils' well-being and professional level. It is therefore very important that we continue to have good and competent principals, so we get a highly professional school with room for everyone. I look forward to the leadership talents will help to lift the task of management in the Danish school, "says Christine Antorini. According to the OECD report Improving School Leadership from 2008 primary schools be short of leaders in the future. The Ministry of Education collaborates with Local, National Union of Teachers, Child and culture in Grimstad Association and Head of the School Association for the continuous course in school management. Talent development consists of skills and career development in close sequence, which includes networking meetings, teaching profession educational management and Coach- and mentor talks. Participants will gain insight into lederrollens challenges through conversation with a mentor while coaching sessions and network meetings focusing on personal considerations in relation to the management function. President of KL's Labour and Trade and Industry, Mayor Erik Nielsen, believes that municipalities together can make a joint effort to develop the next generation of leaders - in other sector areas: "We've probably all heard stories about, for example, two kindergartens located in the same area and the same economy. In one kindergarten, parents and children very happy, and employees thrive. While the situation is the opposite in the neighboring kindergarten. Here lies the explanation for the difference is often in the leadership that is taking place. Therefore, a concerted effort to identify and develop the next generation of skilled managers came natural. "

Talent management - the future of primary school

- Nine out of ten feel better prepared for a management position. - Five out of ten expect to seek a leadership position when the opportunity arises. - Eight out of ten has been greater interest in leadership after the course. - Nine out of ten agree or strongly agree that the course "educational management" has provided useful management tools. - 60 of the course's 96 participants answered the survey. Source: UVM