Study, children and toys

Study, children and toys

Many female Danish business leaders advise that you become pregnant during the study, and so have her first child before beginning his career in business. This should namely send the right signal to the boss, give the mother the proper experience in career starts and create a better balance between work and leisure.

But although the council is straightforward, so there is rarely very many women who see the opportunity, and look quickly limited financially. Even though it sounds like a good idea to be "studiemor" so it is not always that the economy seems about the idea.

One can not ignore the fact that there is a financial burden to be pregnant and have children. In this post we will look at how to save as much as possible when it comes to purchasing children's toys.

To most children toys for your money

The economic impact starts during pregnancy, and is enhanced when the little comes into the world. One of the areas where it can quickly be felt in the economy, with the purchase of children's toys. Below we have put together five tips on how to purchase children's toys as cheaply as possible.

Tip # 1: Buy toys in good quality

This tip goes not only suggests buying the big brands, but to look for toys in good quality. And more importantly, to buy toys in the right material, as you will often find that the quality is closely linked to the material. Eg. may very wooden toys keep far longer than toys in plastic.

Tip # 2: Swap you new toys

Toys do not have to be Brand new that it has an interest in your children. Often, the only element that be new to them. Therefore, you may want to swap old toys that no longer has interest in "new" has. In many villages, etc. will be swapping fairs where children can exchange with each other.

Tip # 3: Loans toys in the circle of friends

Often there in the circle of friends couples who likewise have children. In such situations could borrow toys from each other, which likewise can be a good idea to find out what is a winner before this purchase.

Tip # 4: Keep an eye on stock sales

Lagersalg, outlets, fields and much else, has made it possible to have many different toys for little money. It is important to keep these stock sales, which are often held in the outskirts of big cities.

Tip # 5: Buy educational toys

Buying cheap toys is also true that buying toys who last the longest (tip 1), but not only because of. The material itself - but equally compared. It has an interest in the child. One of the ways this can be by selecting educational toys, which holds the interest of the child for a longer time. Read this blog post with tips on how to choose the best educational toys and this blog post about independent play.

Bonus: 3 tips for children's toys birthday

When it comes to birthdays in kindergarten, school or family reunion are, then there just as here, the case of a financial burden. In addition, you can use these three simple tips to get the most for your money.

Tip # 1: Buy in groups. Get together with other parents and buy the toy together. Although people often do so to buy something expensive toy, so it is often cheaper than if you do it yourself.

Tip # 2: Buy more gifts of time. In kindergarten and the early grades, it can be easy select some toys without it is on the wish list. Therefore you can with advantages buy small packages of toys on offer ongoing, and build a warehouse.

Tip # 3: Buy at the right time. The price of toysis variable and especially in the "rodekasseren". In addition, the price of "new" toys higher and former model cheaper. So is the price up to holidays like Christmas, even higher.