Large increase in the number of applications to higher education

Large increase in the number of applications to higher education

The programs for teacher, educator, nurses and engineers have received significantly more applications per 15 March last year. Thus continuing the positive trend from 2009.
It has become very popular to educate themselves, and far more than in previous years dreaming of a career, both in the private and public sectors. It shows the determination of quota 2 applications. The deadline to enroll via quota 2 was 15 March. With a few exceptions, higher education received far more applications than the same time last year. At the bachelor of engineering program has been a huge increase in the number of applicants, with 114 percent more than last year, this education as the first priority. Although the final number of applicants will not be known in July, it would appear therefore that there is an increased interest in the engineering profession. At training programs for the public sector is also significant increases in the number of applicants. 37 percent more than last year have applied for teacher training. For programs for educators and social workers, the increases are respectively 44 and 41 percent. Thus continuing the positive trend from 2009. The large increase in the search is primarily because more men have applied for education. Women continue to predominate on most courses, but for example, on education for teacher and educator been a marked increase in the proportion of male applicants. The proportion of male candidates are educator degree program rose from 23 to 28 percent and on teacher education from 37 to 43. Education Minister Tina Nedergaard is happy development. "It is with great pleasure that I note a great increase in the number of applications through quota 2. This indicates that the professions have regained the reputation they deserve, and that more people have become aware of the quality and potential, education offers. I am sure that it partly due to good cooperation between the parties behind the programs that really has lifted the bunch, "she says. In the spring of 2009 launched the Ministry of Education and a number of parties campaign "White Zone" to recruit more students to degree programs for nurses, radiographers and medical laboratory technologist. The effect of the campaign can be seen in the number of applicants. Compared to 2009, 108 percent more sought Radiography as a first priority, while the increase in applicants to nursing education is 44 percent and for medical laboratory technology education is 40 percent. Recently, the Ministry of Education and several parties campaign "stay-læ," to recruit more students to teacher training. The campaign can contribute to the positive results from this round of applications continued to summer, where there is time for quota 1 applications. The deadline for quota 1 applications to higher education is on July 5 at 12.00. Appendices with additional information regarding the number of applications to higher education. Source: Ministry of Education