Save money on phone bill
Mobile bill can often be one of the higher costs, but it can do something about creating an overview and use common sense. Here are five tips on how to cut down on mobile bill.
Find the subscription that fits your needs.
Usually it is held in the subscription you have because it's easiest, but it is not always the cheapest. You should find it to suit the usage you have, and it can often vary depending on where you have reached in life. To this solution might be something called mobilleaks. This tool has been developed for Android and iOS and can continuously analyze your spending and current market prices.
Do not use your phone to landline calls.
It is usually more expensive if you are calling from mobile to landline. Numbers beginning with 31 and 53 are mobile numbers as such. 32 and 54 are landline numbers. Most companies offer free speech among their clients, and here is money to be saved if you often speak with the same person, then it's just about being in the same telecommunications company.
Talk over the Internet.
If you are connected to a free connection or free data traffic, it is smartest to use the Internet instead of the mobile network. Here it is possible both to talk with home and abroad very cheaply or for free, depending on the connection you have.
Use eg. Skype .
Beware abroad.
Most fortunately become aware of how expensive it is to use your phone abroad, but some have still a nasty surprise when they return to the bill after a stay outside Denmark. Turn therefore your network from your phone, and use it only when you have free access via the hotels or cafes's Wi-Fi.
Apps on offer.
The many app-manufacturers vying for customers, and is therefore often with good deals. They do not run as long at a time, so it is important to strike immediately. Man saves most of the major programs as GPS locators, where you can save up to several hundred kroner.