Save easy money on IT equipment for study

Save easy money on IT equipment for study

Used IT equipment ... Ok, that may not sound so cool, but there are a number of different companies that get salt to the egg by buying used IT from different companies that are in excellent condition and as they fix, so it's so good as new again. In 9 out of 10 cases, you or someone will never guess that it has been used before and so you can save a lot on using IT equipment .

Is it for example a MacBook Air you're after, like many other students, you have to drop at least 7799 kr. before you can. discount while you are on Yellow and Free at the time of writing can find a similar to about 4000 DKK before possible. impacts. Of course, you do not have a full warranty with, but it's probably going to break a bit, which MacBooks does not usually do for it's not a good deal. Furthermore, you can often find IT equipment for sale that still has some of the warranty with you.

And then it's with the environment. Why not spare the environment for the production of another computer, or what you have to look for, and take someone else to lie on a shelf for a few years before smoking at the recycling station.

Thus, the next advantage is only to buy used IT equipment if you can ignore your luck by opening a sealed package from Apple with the distinctive fragrance of a new Mac product, or PC if you have more and that smell .

You can also do the same tricks with books and save a little on the rainforest. Put your used study books for sale, free of charge in our section of study books or buy used study books cheaply .