Schools in efforts to combat gang crime

Schools in efforts to combat gang crime

Schools should inform each other when students associated with the criminal environment changes schools.
The Ministry of Education encourages its schools to inform each other about students who are related to the criminal environment when students switch schools. The call is part of the government's efforts against gang crime . When the student's new school will receive information about the student's association with the criminal environment, it can take properly care of the student immediately, including assessing the cause of absenteeism, particularly behavior etc. Previously there have been doubts about whether the schools had to pass on information to each other. But there is nothing legally prevent. Schools must therefore like to pass information to each other without the student's consent. And the exchange of information must happen for the sake of both the individual pupil and crime prevention, including efforts to combat gang crime.


Schools can also share information about student related to the criminal environment with the police and social services. It is part of the established SSP cooperation in preventing crime among children and adolescents. Source: Ministry of Education