Should you leave home?

Should you leave home?

Would you like to leave home, but you may not have an overview of your financial situation and what practical things that need to be taken care of? Then there is help available. When you have to move for the first time, it can be overwhelming because there are so many things you should know. It is not always easy to navigate the many sites on the Internet, why we have made a guide for you so that you remember the most important thing when you need to create an overview of the economy and the practical things moved.

When you are creating your budget

The first is a good idea to check the revenues and expenses that you have, so you do not get a deficit every month. It's called In other words, you need to make a budget. A source of revenue, for example. be your living with their parents SU, which you get when you are training. You can choose to supplement your SU with a work or student, so you are sure that you can afford to pay your rent and bills, and therefore you also have a chance to save. Additionally, you can also apply for housing benefit, but there may well be a long wait. If you have not found a job next to your studies, and there are some small contingencies that you do not have the option to pay immediately, you can quickly borrow money and get them instantly if the need arise . Remember you should always be wary of lending money, and it requires careful consideration.
Once you have got an overview of what a month is paid, you get an overview of your expenses. The fixed cost per month can be rent, installment, insurance, subscriptions, TV / Internet, license, etc. In addition, there is also loose expenses such as food, clothing, transportation, etc..
Want to help you make your budget, you can contact your bank, which will certainly want to help you.

Practical things you need to take care when moving

Besides thinking about the economy, you must also sort out some practical things before you move.
As one of the first you must report your address relocation, which you do in the Once you've done it, you do not change your address elsewhere as banks, insurance companies, etc. will receive this information via the national register.
Bills will be many, and therefore it is a good idea to sign up for the payment service to avoid getting reminders, or that example. will be closed for heat.
As one of the most important you must be in control of your insurance. As a rule, you must have a home insurance and accident insurance, which you can buy extra insurance if, for example. also will cover your bike. You can draw your insurance by insurance companies, but there are also many banks that offer it.
You have to apply for housing assistance, since it will save you money monthly. There can be up to several months of waiting, and if, for example. have not received housing benefits for two months, you will later have it paid, so you do not lose some money if you are late.
When you leave home, purchase a lot of things for your new apartment. It can be anything from furniture, utensils, ornaments, storage and so on. A good advice is to continuously ask for the most important things, so you do not stand and have to buy everything at once, as it can cost a lot of money.