How to survive at SU

How to survive at SU

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When you study, it can be hard to get your finances running around. As a non-resident, you get 6,397 before tax in SU, and it does not go far when there is to be money for both rent, food and books. Here are 5 tips to help you make the most of your time while studying.

Find a student job

It is obvious to supplement the SU with a student job. However, there are two things that are important to keep in mind when you are looking for a job next to your studies: First, it is best if you can find a job that is relevant to your studies. It will later benefit you on your resume. Second, do not work more than you still have time and energy left over for your study.

Set a budget

A budget gives you an overview of how much you have to do well with. At the same time, you will see how you actually spend the money and where you can cut back. Maybe all the money on cafe visits or shopping disappears? So make the coffee yourself and shop in thrift stores. Also take a critical look at your streaming services and subscriptions. There can be a lot of money to be saved.

Make a meal plan

You can save a lot of money on your grocery shopping if you make a weekly meal plan and shop sensibly. When you only shop once a week, you will not make as many impulse purchases, nor will you fall for expensive take-away. Keep track of your refrigerator and always remember to use your leftovers. If you take the leftovers with you in the packed lunch the next day, you may save an expensive visit to the canteen.

Make the money work for you

You can consider investing in stocks, bonds or cryptocurrencies such as NFT crypto. Trading stocks can be risky and requires some knowledge of the market. The risk of bonds is smaller, but the return is also lower. However, the hottest thing right now is NFT crypto . It is a market in great growth, i.a. because the unique tokens become collectibles and the risk is not as great as when investing in physical collectibles.

Take out a loan

One last option when the economy is tight is to take out a loan. But be careful. You can easily get stuck too hard. Avoid quick loans as much as possible and pay attention to the loan's APR. It is the annual percentage rate of charge that tells you what the loan actually costs. The best loan option for you as a student is SU loans as these have a low interest rate.