How to give a good first impression for exams

How to give a good first impression for exams

The oral examination is a matter of convincing two people - internal and external examiners - that you have to have a good result in terms of a good character.

To do to your standing and be a good student.

But the first impressions have some impact on how well a result you get. You should at least start the exam behind on points because you have a bad first impression to the internal and external examiners.

We come with a few good tips on how to instead give the good impression here:

Give hand - only if they do it

Should you shake hands with censor or not?

The easy answer is - wait and see if they offer to shake hands with you. If they do, then give hand back.

Not all examiners and examiners in Denmark who want to shake hands with the students. If they do, so be polite and ask - but leave them the initiative. You do not work for overbearing that you might otherwise do if you piously sticks his hand in the moment you stick your head in the door - despite your certainly good intentions.

Odour neutral

When you come into the room not only looks internal and external examiners you - they smell also to you. Here it is important not to destroy the good first impression, your neutral attire and polite attitude gives.

Excessive amounts of perfume will have internal and external examiners to sneer at. You are not in town, but for the exam. Settle for a common and not too invasive deodorant.

If you are a smoker, you should not smoke just before the exam. Especially if internal and external examiners are non-smoking start behind on points by going almost still smoke in your mouth. Consider nicotine gum - or, better yet, a smoking cessation .

Drink green tea before and relax

If you tend to get nervous before the exam, you can do one of two things to relax (if you are very nervous, it also affects your performance, you sweat and strains you throughout the exam you will hardly your desired message across ).

Drink a few cups of green tea before you leave home for the exam. Green tea contains L-theanine, in addition to providing more energy also is known to relieve anxiety and anxiety. It makes you relax, but without losing focus on your job.

If it is very bad you should consider getting a prescription for beta-blockers from your doctor. You do not have the freedom to buy beta-blockers, which also prevents the body to panic - but you tell your GP that you become very stressed up to the exam there is good chance that the doctor help you further with a prescription.

Be polite

Last but not least, you should be generally polite when you are inside the exam. Answer when asked and do not be aggressive in either your attire or your behavior.

Well begun is half finished - and with some thoughts about the first impression for the exam you increase your chances to get out of the room with the green tablecloth with a good character.