How to find a student job with Facebook advertising

How to find a student job with Facebook advertising

You know Facebook as a social media you use too long on.

But Facebook's more than that: it is also a tool when students need to find a student job.

This particularly applies if you need a student job in a competitive field such as law or economics.

Facebook advertising can be an inexpensive way to reach potential employers - and you are sure not to land at the bottom of the queue, for none of your fellow students looking for jobs this way!

The following method is also referred to in Denmark's only book about Facebook advertising written by Halfdan Timm from the digital agency Obsidian Digital . Find the book on .

Define the target group

We take here based on the law school.

When you as a law student wants to get a student job, it is lawyers in your student city, you are addressing.

In Facebook's ad tool allows you to define a målgrupe consisting of:

  • Individuals with the job title "Lawyer"
  • There simultaneously live in your study city

If you live in Copenhagen or Aarhus, this should provide an audience of several hundred people. It is all persons who hires students like you!

Make an entry

After defining your target audience, you must make the ad itself.

To advertise on Facebook, you need a Facebook page. You can make a suitable in your own name - do not worry about it if your friends think it's funny you make fan pages for yourself. You laugh last, when you've got a student job.

On your side are you doing a lookup. You have about 10 lines to work with. Choose a neat and professional image of yourself as if it were your LinkedIn profile, you were starting to show.

After sponsoring your newly created lookup on the target group of lawyers in your student city, you have previously defined.

The lawyers here eyes wide - they are not accustomed to receiving jobansøninger directly on Facebook. Not only demonstrates you IT skills out of the ordinary; you skip the queue also of common applications of. You create a first impression, your fellow students can only look enviously after.

Now it's your turn - good luck with student job!