Here's how to find the school you would like to attend

Here's how to find the school you would like to attend

School is important for us to have a springboard for the future. But it can be difficult to choose where we would like to go to school. There are many choices, and besides, we also need to find out what city we want to study in. Odense, Copenhagen, Aarhus - yes the choices are many!

Smaller school, but with many opportunities

When we mention big cities such as Odense and Copenhagen, it can quickly seem daunting for future students who may have lived in slightly smaller cities. But just because you are now in a big city does not necessarily mean that the studio is unmistakably large. Htx Copenhagen Gastro Science , is just a little different from what you might think normal schools offer. Because even though the school is in Copenhagen, it is still small and manageable. It can be perfect for students who are not just used to the very big schools, and may even feel better about being in a slightly smaller school. All students are different and have different ways of learning and what feels best. So if you are one of those who prefer a smaller school, and a place where you can learn about delicious food and health, then this might be the place for you.

What can the school offer you?

The education itself takes 3 years, and has not only a focus on food, but also on design, innovation and health sciences. All of these skills will help teach you about a more sustainable future. In addition, you will also have a better opportunity to work independently and safely. But even though this high school is quite small, it has great ambitions. As I said, some students are more comfortable with attending small colleges, while others prefer the large ones. There are pros and cons to both, so the choice is up to you. You can, however, read more about the school by clicking on the link above and see if it is something that might be of interest to you. As you say, you get a broad knowledge about health, food science and much more, and it provides a good springboard to be able to develop a little more creatively in the longer term. But even though you may find that some of the subjects are a little more alternative than what you are used to, you should of course know that you also get the "ordinary" subjects, such as Danish, English and mathematics.