How to afford the tropics
Everyone can save up for the dream holiday - even at SU!
The calendar suddenly says January and that unfortunately means that there is still at least 3 months of winter cold yet, which we somehow have to hustle through! Most of us therefore dream of a hammock under the palm trees and white sandy beaches with waves. But how can one just afford to travel to exotic destinations as students at SU?
Start by getting your priorities in order - an otherwise very good New Year's pass. If you dream of going out for a week or two during the winter, you have to give up some other things. Here we give you a number of good "savings advice":
- Buy big in and make food for several days at a time. It saves both time and money and combats food wastage, which draws huge bills on the planet and its resources every year.
- Cut down on cafe tours and nightlife - Instead invite the friends and girlfriends on a little homely party celebration or private bif with cake.
- Drop your to-go morning coffee and invest instead in a trendy thermos - so you have your own good coffee on the trip and don't have to queue!
- Get out of the gym, hop in the running shoes and take a quick walk in the woods. It is healthy for both body and soul with fresh air and new prospects.
- Change clothes with girlfriends instead of buying new ones. What is obsolete for one can be new and exciting to another.
With this method, you will surely quickly get air in the budget without suffering any major deprivation. Also, spend some time researching before you book the first best charter trip you fall over. By booking hotels and flights by yourself, there is often a lot of money to save - it just requires you to spend time on it. Also, check the general price level of your destination, as it is very important for how many pocket money the holiday requires. Do you find it difficult to figure out the country's currency, you can here find a handy currency converter that can easily help you on your way.
An excellent way to keep costs down during the holidays is to rent an apartment with a small kitchen. That way you can cook yourself and you don't have to spend money eating all your meals in restaurants and as a take-away.