Royal Unibrew and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune shelves Aarhus - and you need to be with!

Royal Unibrew and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune shelves Aarhus - and you need to be with!

On 12 January there is the feast and football on menueen. 5000 partygoers of Aarhus is scheduled to participate in what is described as "A tribute to CCG music and football." The party takes place at the NRGi Arena.

Klumben & Healthy Money is publicly done as the first artist to the party. However, there are still two headliners that have not yet been publicly made - both were however reported to have strong roots in the area.

There will be awarded two prizes of no less than 50,000 kr. The first award will go to individuals or groups who have made an extraordinary effort for football in Smiles City - and thereby put Aarhus on landkortet.Navnet at this price is "Faxe Kondi The award "

The final price, "Tak Rock Award" will be given to one or more passionate people who with their work have helped to promote rock music and its conditions in Aarhus.

You can read more about the award and nominate candidates here