Trainees at KL's Office for Children and Primary School

KL , Copenhagen
Are you interested in children and youth, politics and local democracy? Then it may be something for you to become a trainee with us!
We are in charge of KL's children's and school policy. As an intern in the office you get insight into the work the municipalities do in relation to daycare and primary school, and how KL as an interest organization carries out the interests of the municipalities. You will also have an insight into the changeable everyday life of a political organization with close links to both state and municipalities. This is done both through projects that KL carries out with municipalities, ministries and professional organizations as well as through events organized by the office.
You will work in the middle of Copenhagen in our modern building, where we at our office share daily with 20 good colleagues.
Posted 4 October
Moesgård Allé 15
8270 Højbjerg