Pirate Parties in Copenhagen

Pirate Parties in Copenhagen

Copenhagen have become gripped by the phenomenon "Pirate Parties ", and there will be a large scale organized underground parties - celebrations advertised via chain-SMS 's or Facebook, and rumor goes like wildfire.
Last Friday was a metros in Copenhagen's underground setting for a spontaneous pirate party - metro train was invaded by 300 party people who themselves had brought beer and music. Pirate Festival in Metro train was announced via the Facebook group Aristopunk. The guests took the metro train to Nørreport station and partied through to Vestamager and back to Nørreport. On Saturday there was arranged a pirate party at the corner of Silkegade and Pilestræde in central Copenhagen. Here were used chain sms to attract party-interested young people. At 22 started the party with DJ and high spirits. Pirate Fest The spontaneous kind of staging is a new way to party on, and now the phenomenon has really caught Copenhagen's interest. Pirate parties are radically different way to party, after party often not 100% planned, and partiers decide at the moment - there is often little time to zip along and join in the fun. Those behind Aristopunk promise that there will be held several pirate parties in the near future - we follow up on the case as soon as we know more, look at the Student Guide. You can visit the organizers Aristopunks website here You can also search for "Aristopunk " on Facebook and become a member of their group. Source: iByen