Pedagogic internship

Pedagogic internship

New publication to help and inspire the placement when they pedagogy in practice.

Inspiration for internships, students and educational institutions

The internship is a key part of teacher training. A new publication "Internship in teacher training - training, duties and responsibilities" to help and inspire the placement in relation to the tasks that are associated with having interns. Also students and educational institutions will be able to find inspiration in the publication, which among other things provides a number of concrete examples of students' work with learning in the internship with various praktiksteders educational work.

more specialization

Pædagoguddannelsen was reformed in 2007. As a novelty, the student during the training Choosing a specialization in one of the following functions or areas: * Children and adolescents * People with disabilities * People with social problems. The specialization should be included as part of the program's third internship period. And the student must therefore choose specialization within specialization opportunities that the assigned internship offers. This means that specialization in "Children and young people " can be offered by a kindergarten, specialization in "People with disabilities " can be offered, for example, a day center, while specialization in "People with social problems "can be provided, for example, a youth board.

Tightening the rules on internships

A key aim of the reform in 2007 was that the student's educational gain from the internship should be strengthened. There was, therefore, of the Decree on Social Education established professional competence goals for each of the three training periods. It also provided for central knowledge and skills areas for both the individual training periods and for the three training periods are common. In addition, the placement prepare a description of the internship and a training plan for the three practice periods, and the student before each training period preparing a trainee document and learning objectives for the internship period.