New mobile subscription? Welcome to the Jungle

New mobile subscription? Welcome to the Jungle

Who has not tried it? One must have itself a new subscription to the mobile phone, because your needs have changed. But as you move into the mobile world, it is like stepping into the jungle.

Incalculable mobile subscriptions
Having to choose a new mobile subscription can seem overwhelming for most. For there are so many combinations of the various subscriptions, it can be difficult to find out what suits your needs. And not least to find the cheapest mobile subscription , where students can participate.

no binding
The first thing you should make yourself clear before selecting new mobile subscription is whether you want a subscription that you are bound for example six months. But since there usually is no monetary gain by binding, we recommend that you choose a model where no bond is. Then it also helps if you want to change your subscription again shortly.

Avoid expensive connection fees
It is different, subscription providers have a setup fee or not. And here you need to see you on the charges for setting can cost anything from 1 kr. To 199 kr. You also need to think of that you would like to be completely covered when you put yourself into subscription. This means that it is better to choose a subscription where for example six hours of talk time than five hours if your spending is right on the verge. The talk time you spend beyond what is included in your subscription, namely well turn out to be omkostningsrig. Most young students would like to have a mobile subscription, which is free sms / mms. At find only subscriptions, where this is the case.

The way out of the jungle
It is difficult here to give further guidance on what to emphasize in the pursuit of the different subscriptions as of talk time and data usage is very individual from person to person. But we recommend that you look into the, the different mobile subscriptions here set side by side, so you can more easily find the way out of the jungle again.