New tests on student plans and quality reports to be launched

New tests on student plans and quality reports to be launched

More than 100 response letters sent in the coming days for a variety of the country's municipalities. Pursuant to challenge the court, municipalities and schools now authorized trials with pupil plans, quality reports, grading and joint management.
The Ministry of Education has received 104 applications for trial pursuant to challenge law. Of which the 68 applications elevplaner. 15 applications concern the quality reports. Many of the applicant municipalities and schools have found inspiration in the models to student plans and quality reports in the report from the so-called Monster Committee at the elementary school. With regard to student plan seeks most schools for exemption from the rule that all subjects be discussed in the student plan. Instead, they want that student teachers from an overall assessment of each student decide what needs to be discussed in the student plan. Such attempts are, in line with Monster Committee model, having been accepted, provided that all subjects considered in the preparation of student plan. To substantiate this, all student teachers sign the plan. Moreover, the parents want to mention of specific disciplines involved in the assessment of the subjects to be discussed in the individual student's lesson plan. In terms of quality reports, many of the municipalities wanted only to draw up a quality report every two years. These applications have all been met with a recommendation that the local council in the intervening year to discuss response to the latest report. A total of 96 applications have been approved, some without conditions. An application is put on hold, and seven applications have been rejected. Some are rejected on the grounds that the trial does not respect the basic intentions of the rules that apply for an exemption from the. Others are rejected because this is not about reducing bureaucracy. Education Minister Bertel Haarder said: "I am happy for the great interest in challenging the court and look forward to seeing the results of many trials. They, together with the other initiatives of the Government debureaucratisation program mean that we have removed unnecessary red tape and instead will focus on teaching and all the good that is going around the schools. "The 104 applications submitted in the first round of the challenge law. Challenge Court continues until the end of 2011, when a crosscutting evaluation of the experiments. Thus, it is still possible to submit applications for new and easier ways to do things.