Mercantile humanists demand in the industry

Mercantile humanists demand in the industry

Humanists with a business school background are popular in business. Over 80 percent find jobs with private employers. It shows a new study of the labor market for graduates humanists. Six Danish universities including CBS is behind the nationwide survey.
According to the study every other newly educated humanist employee of a private company. The figure is an expression of the need for humanities graduates competences even outside their traditional areas of employment. The study debunks the myth that humanists have difficulty getting work, and that most are high school teachers. In recent years, humanities graduates passed new, alternative paths when applying for jobs and businesses have become aware of the humanists. And then the student and found out that it is important to combine foreign language with other skills, as there is ample opportunity for CBS. Consider, for instance. combining foreign language communication, says educational consultant Flemming Meier from CBS Learning Lab, which has dealt with the investigation. Source: CBS Learning Lab