Merethe Stagetorn of Female Lawyers d. February 21.

Merethe Stagetorn of Female Lawyers d. February 21.

Female Lawyers is proud to welcome Denmark's most famous defense attorney Merethe Stagetorn welcome to the network's next event Thursday, February 21, 2008, at. 17:30 pm. about 20:30.
Female lawyers choose to become more prosecutors than defense lawyers. Therefore we question whether this is linked to that requiring high morale to defense attorneys general asking about female defense lawyers more than their male colleagues is required to stand in moral aspects of each case. The focus is on the entire Merethe Stagetorns career and the many interesting cases she has led over the years. Female lawyers have been allowed to hold the event in KPMG-house beautiful rooms with views of Aarhus Bay in Værkmestergade 25 , 8000 Aarhus C, so framework for an inspiring evening is already set. After the presentation by defense attorney Merethe Stagetorn there will be networking with other participants and will be served a light buffet and wine / water. If this sounds like something for you, then sign up before the registration deadline for participation, which is Monday 18 February 2008. Send an email to stating the full name and position / semester. The event is free for members, but remember to sign up anyway needed.