Mejlgade for Diversity in Aarhus

Mejlgade for Diversity in Aarhus

Mejlgade for Diversity is a creative street party in Aarhus will take place on May 15 with advance seminar.
Here you will repeat the success of last year with the objective to develop and operate platform for cultural growth layers in Aarhus. Furthermore, the purpose of the festival to network and create new collaboration between the city's various cultural actors, institutions and residents. This year the focus will be on the qualitative level, which will be working on getting the various initiatives to fit together, but maintain diversity. The day and the previous seminar, will offer a program that offers different types of workshops and presentations. Not least will be the day before the festival's official program, 13 May be Pre-Party at Train including performers as FUKT Read more about the event's many deals on their website.