Copenhagen University has problems of cooperation with business

Copenhagen University has problems of cooperation with business

Danish industry has conducted a survey with responses from 300 companies. Here dumper University of Copenhagen in collaboration with business, while Aalborg University is a top spot.
This despite the fact that the University of Copenhagen ranks high on the international ranking lists. But the University of Copenhagen explains with their scope is different from Aalborg University, but the University of Copenhagen, of course, is aware of the problem. Therefore, they have also recently created a department to increase the interaction with industry. Copenhagen University report, however, also out that they basically only interested in cooperation with business to enhance their basic research. Danisco has cooperation with several universities in Denmark and abroad accept also that universities have another goal, maybe a longer term than companies. At the same time there are reports also from Danisco side that they benefit from the fundamental research taking place at universities. Danish Industry fears that poor cooperation between industry and universities in Denmark will get more Danish companies to move research and investments abroad. For from company responses it is clear that many feel they have to put investments abroad. Denmark is in many ways a rather attractive country for knowledge-based companies, but if there are no qualified workers available to perform the knowledge-intensive work and research in the research fits into the needs of companies so it is bad for.
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The research companies point to as the most important technical, health and science. The companies also expresses the choice behind the location of research and development departments largely depends on good public research researching things with high quality and relevance to the companies. Six out of the ten largest knowledge-intensive companies in Denmark moves to a high or very high degree of knowledge-intensive tasks away from Denmark to gain access to attractive research.