Buy, lease or flex lease car?

Are you considering buying a car? Or maybe lease? It can often be an expensive affair to invest a lot of money in a brand new car so it can be beneficial to lease instead. You've probably heard before. But have you heard of flex leasing before?

What is flex leasing?
If you just wish to exit and drive a nice car, but do not bother to put you into legislation for leasing, so you can simply use flex leasing.
The big difference is that you avoid having to pay the big first performance that would otherwise pay when you lease from a car dealer. It's more like regular car rental, since you only pay for the time you lease the car.
It is particularly the slightly more expensive cars, where this method is most commonly used because it most worthwhile for this class of car.
It works so that you only pay a bite of the registration coming on the car. As the car lease for a shorter period of time, typically 12 months, so make payment much smaller than it would otherwise be if you had to pay the full amount. Then you out and drive a nice car without the high cost, then flex leasing a very good option for you.