Grades in school are equally valid

Grades in school are equally valid

Such a clear conclusion these days from different media. Student Guide must declare themselves almost in unison.
The only important thing in elementary school is to be declared fit for high school. Here årskarakterer have a meaning, but the exam results are in practice virtually never used for anything.


Behind the scenes is all the samples, and the characters, of course, to motivate students to practice in the various subjects. The same result would be likely to achieve by using årskaraktererne as final characters. Thus, one could use the approximately 40 million kroner annually used for examiners etc., for new equipment at the schools.

new equipment

The presumption here is that the new equipment through decent indoor climate, or new / more computers, will benefit more than exam grades. With that in mind, the exam marking is unlikely to have significantly greater impact on motivation than årskaraktererne.

Wasting time

At the same time, one can argue for the many thousands of primary school pupils time could be spent on something more productive than grueling exams, the fact is that they have no significance and only benefit very little, or nothing, with respect to motivation.

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