The coffee machine is Dane's best friend

The coffee machine is Dane's best friend

As one of the most coffee-drinking nations in the world, Denmark is probably also one of the countries with the most coffee machines per. inhabitant. This is also reflected in the range of shops, it abounds with coffee machines of all kinds. For example, try to see here where wupti just presents a selection of small 150 different models! The same trend applies to many other stores, because we each have our preferences and coffee flavor, and there are big differences in outcome depending coffee machine model and type.

The press pot - feel the presence of history

The older generation certainly know the good old-fashioned coffee brewing, where you simply mixed coffee and boiling water in a "madam blue" and then poured carefully, there was too much coffee grounds with. It's actually a bit the same we do with the modern press coffee maker only secures the plunger that the majority of grounds from sorted out. It is very basic coffee brewing, and it provides a unique and distinctive flavor. Some prefer it while others would rather have plain filter coffee. The advantage of cafetier is that it is cheap to buy, and there is also a certain coziness to "cook" the coffee directly at the table. One might almost say that there is little Chinese the ceremony about it.

Filter coffee machine - the classic and most widespread

There is no doubt that the filter-coffee machine is the most popular. Here you get a lot of money, both because these machines are mass produced, and because there has been developed a lot of them. There is admittedly a bit of maintenance in the form of decalcification, but it is a rare event, and some models can even carry out the process. Should we be honest, there is certainly also a part that changes maker so often that descaling fail to be a problem. The problem of course, depends also on the local kalkholdigheden in water and many other factors. The ordinary coffee maker are available in all price ranges, but you only pay a hundred crowns, you also get a quality then.

Moccamaster is an example of a highly acclaimed brand, which also costs a lot more than the cheap models. In return, they are available in a variety of colors and designs. Here, for instance, made much of the water has an optimal temperature when it encounters the beans in the filter. It is important for the taste, as even a single degree difference can be tasted. The temperature should optimally be a few degrees below the boiling point.

Buy a coffee grinder, if you want freshly ground beans

Whether one is to stamp or filtered coffee, the roasted coffee beans painted before brewing. Most buy ready ground coffee, but many coffee lovers prefer to grind the coffee themselves. So you can decide the degree of grinding and connoisseurs also believe that the coffee will have more flavor when the beans are freshly ground. In addition, they use a small coffee grinder, and they are available fortunately for cheap money in many places.

Coffee machines for capsules

The user-friendly coffee machines for capsules have become immensely popular, and they are particularly suitable for the only grab a single cup of coffee now and then. Insert a capsule and a cup in the machine and the coffee is ready in an instant. Easier it will hardly, but you drink a lot of coffee, it's a little expensive solution because of the capsules price. However, you can get a sea of ​​capsule variants with all possible types of beans and addition. A cafe latte or other specialties are just as quickly made.

Full Automatic Coffee Makers

Are you willing to sacrifice a little extra at the coffee machine, you can choose a fully automatic model, which combines many of the advantages of the other models. They are available for example with integrated coffee grinder and the bean container only needs to be refilled as needed. There may also be the connection of water, and then brews the coffee such set itself at the touch of a button. Some models brewing a full pot, while the other brews a suitable amount directly into the cup. In just the expensive end are also special machines that can make espresso and so on.