Internet during the exam is a success

Internet during the exam is a success

As the first in the world had Danish high school in 2010 using the Internet in their written exams. The experiment is a success, and Minister of Education has decided to extend it.
Students in 14 selected public colleges and trade schools wrote in May 2010 story. As the first in the world they had as guinea use the internet during their written exams. In a final report the project's advisory group, the experiment is a success. Education Minister Tina Nedergaard is happy group's conclusions. "I am pleased that we had the foresight and the first country in the world let high school students use the internet during exams. The Internet is an integral part of students' everyday lives and everyday teaching, so the development is natural. The experiment shows that the use of the internet during exams has a wide range of positive effects. Therefore, we have provisionally extended the trial to include summer examination 2011, "said the minister.

International attention

The trial had attracted international attention and means among other things that students can be examined in essential computer skills and use of moving images and sound in assignments. The monitoring group has followed the trial since it started up in January 2008 and describes it as a catalyst for subject development. One of the group's conclusions is that the subjects academically aim has been strengthened, and that the responses provide an accurate picture of students' academic level. The Group recommends that the pilot scheme continues the previous six forsøgsfag and a number of new subjects. It also believes that Internet exams test the core competences of pupils and are well suited to evaluate whether students achieve subjects goal. Both students and teachers emphasize that the study gives teaching a quality boost with more modern education, better opportunities to utilize different learning styles and greater focus on the subject breadth and depth. Source: Ministry of Education