Control your digital security - Apps and applications

Control your digital security - Apps and applications

Because we live in such a digitized world, it is easier and easier for hackers to access sensitive information. Even if you feel like you have control over your passwords and security, there may still be people out there who can track your credit card, CPR number and more. But fortunately, help is available.

Be sure to install antivirus

Yes, that sounds like basic knowledge, but you would be surprised to hear how many young people have not installed an antivirus program on the computer. Suddenly, you stand with your hair in the mailbox and have had various school assignments deleted because you forgot to download antivirus. Not so smart. But downloading an antivirus program is really easy, and most people can do the same. They also don't have to cost the fortune and are often available for free .

Get some better passwords

We know them well. Enter date of birth and year. Your road name and house number. Yes, we are talking about the very basic passwords that even the neighbor could crack. But it is therefore not possible to have such easy passwords. With a password like one of the above, it becomes too easy for hackers to steal your information. Therefore, abide by the rules: Do not call your password anything with your personal information (date of birth, etc.), use different characters, upper and lower case letters, and do not share your passwords with others. If they become too complicated to remember, you can download a password manager so you can keep track of the codes.

My digital self-defense

To get the hackers to life, an app has been created to help just that. The app is called My digital self-defense and was developed by the Consumer Council Think and TrygFonden. My digital self-defense should give warnings about cheating, e.g. fake emails from the Police and the bank so you know you should not click on them. At the same time, the app also offers help if you've been exposed to a hacker attack and what to do to avoid them.

If you are unsure about how to maintain digital security, visit Secure Digital , which is a collection of information from the National Board of Digitalization and the Danish Business Authority