Do you or do you know someone with an alcohol problem?

Do you or do you know someone with an alcohol problem?

Alcohol abuse is the largest killer in the West, measured on the number of deaths nominally, yet it is still having an alcohol problem both surrounded by taboos and dimming at the same time. Tabu in the sense that it is embarrassing to talk about a parent with an alcohol abuse and dimmed in the sense that many have the view that it is probably not even dangerous.

And perhaps especially because of the latter alcohol goes on and becomes a problem, on a large scale, health here in the West. Because an alcohol abuse is sneaking and if nobody points it out or takes it seriously, you're suddenly in the supper phase. And the abuse often causes a lot of social problems and health problems that take shape in heart disease and cancer, among other things.

Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to the problem if you acknowledge yourself that there is a problem or get the person you know with an abuse to acknowledge it to yourself. Then a treatment center for alcohol abuse may be an excellent next step, or your own doctor.