Do you need a mortgage?

Do you need a mortgage?

As a student or graduate, it is not always possible to get the help from the bank as you wish. Nor when it comes to housing loans, even if it is one of the safest loans a bank can provide its customers. Especially considering that most students are both young and have many years left and above it is likely to get a good education that helps ensure good, stable and well-paid work.

But what do you do when you want a home loan, but can not get a mortgage at the bank? An excellent alternative is companies such as the mortgage company Boligkredit A / S, which runs the website, which the link also points to.

On the page you can find good advice about finances and of course apply for a loan for the purchase of housing, which then amounts to a buyer certificate so that you can start the housing hunt seriously. The company behind the service makes much of the fact that they are there to listen to you and your needs and to guide you in the best possible way in the process. In fact, they are so confident in their product that they promise two bottles of wine if you can find a better solution than theirs for example. When it comes to the interest rate or the cost of establishing the loan, of course, apart from the bank, which by nature is not an option.

Another thing that shows mortgage credit's seriousness is the mention of the owner behind and his family. Everyone who reads business economics by the fact that a company's product is more often of high quality if it is based on the owner's good name and reputation. The page includes following about the owner:

"For the past twenty years, Boligkredit has provided loans to homeowners. The company is owned by Director Henrik Grave, who is trained in HA and HD with specialization in finance. Before Henrik started his own business, he worked in the banking world, most recently as CFO in a bank.

Henrik lives with his family in Espergærde, north of Copenhagen. The children thrive in the small town by woods and beaches, so it's not possible to move when the youngest is fleeing from the nest. "