Gamer and student - How to afford a computer computer

Gamer and student - How to afford a computer computer

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When it comes to gaming, there's nothing better than having a computer built for the purpose. But upgrading your computer to a gamer model can be expensive, especially if you can't afford the big solution. Therefore, in this article we will give you some tips and tricks on how you can get the most out of your current computer - without having to make too much of an impression on the budget.

1. Make a list of your needs

Before you start looking for a new gamer computer, it is a good idea to make a list of your needs. That way, you'll be better able to find a computer that meets all of your needs – and not just most of them.

2. Buy used

Although it is not the best solution, it often pays to buy a used gamer computer. That way, you get much more for your money, and you can often find good deals online. Among other things, you can find used computers on the Gul og Gratis and DBA webshops. Here you have the opportunity to find a wide selection of used computers, so you can find the right one for you.

3. Avoid the expensive brands

When looking for a gamer computer, there are many expensive brands that spring to mind. But even though these computers are often good, there's no reason to pay huge sums for them. Instead, you can choose an alternative from a cheaper brand - and often get just as good a performance.

4. Select an older operating system

If you want to afford a gamer computer on a budget, a good trick is to choose an older operating system. Windows 10 is, for example, much more expensive than Windows 7, so if you can settle for the latter, you can save a lot of money.

5. Build yourself

If you are a bit handy and have a good understanding of technology, it might be a good idea to build your own gamer computer. That way, you get exactly the type of computer you want, and you don't have to spend a fortune on it. It is not difficult to build your own gaming computer. First of all, choose the components that are most important to you. It can be a GPU, a motherboard, a CPU and RAM. Once you've chosen these components, make sure you find them at the best price. For example, you can go to Pricerner and find the best offers. Once you have found all the components, assemble them into a computer case. It is easiest to do this if you have a good understanding of engineering. If not, you can always find instructions online.

More information

If you want to know more about gaming computers, visit . Here you will find a lot of articles about gaming, electronics, mobiles, broadband and much more.