Several new names for Roskilde Festival 2009

Several new names for Roskilde Festival 2009

New and exciting names for this year's Roskilde Festival runs from July 2 to July 5
Last week, several bands announced for this year's Roskilde Festival, including Slipknot. Now revealed 3 more metal names who play at least as heavy. AMON AMARTH (S) plays bold Viking metal dealing Norse mythology and brave warriors. Heavy music with lots of melody, definitely one of Scandinavia's most acclaimed bands in the genre. CANCER BATS (CAN) have developed their own aggressive blend of Southern metal, punk rock and hardcore. DARKANE (S) is just in the same box of Swedish metal tradition who have previously given us At the Gates and In Flames. The music suggests, however, more and more towards thrash metallen. But not only metal, it has been in this musical goodie, Roskilde Festival has opened up. North German hiphop, Swedish acid rock, American Indie-rock and other delights are this week been presented: DEICHKIND (DE) with four albums in the backpack introduce the band mix of North-German hip hop, techno and kitsch electro pop. Their live shows were said to be terrific on stage, they include rubber boats, confetti canons and. Can only be exciting. DUNGEN (S) Liver still the 60s and 70s. Evergreens, jam passages, tambourines, handclaps and flutes are some of the components included with syretrippet you get at the internationally acclaimed orchestra. GET WELL SOON (DE) writes songs that go right in the heart, with melodious and melancholy mood. The group's lead singer Konstantin Groppers who writes the music possesses a seriousness and wisdom despite his relatively young age. THE SOFT PACK (US) plays tightly controlled post-punk with a skewness, monotony and coolness, so both Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and Mark E. Smith nod in approval. Simple, unpolished songs delivered with the same devilish energy and shrug. Marnie Stern (US) masters her electric guitar. More compares her as a female Yngwie Malmsteen, but her music style is a sharp and very charming indie rock full of finger tapping and skewed time signatures. We follow up with several bands as soon as new names appear on the poster.