Get help with the decor

Get help with the decor

There is almost nothing more boring in a home than empty white walls. The walls is what connects the rooms in your home, and with the proper decoration of the walls can achieve a unique and personal look.

You can for example, hang posters, photos and paintings on your walls. Especially the latter is and always has been incredibly popular, and especially today, when many decorate their home with a very modern and minimalist furniture. In such a home, that something edge - and here comes mainly abstract paintings into their own.

Abstract means that there is no specific design. One has to look at patterns and color combinations above example, a portrait or a landscape.

If your home is characterized by a very colorless decor, a handful of abstract paintings with bubbling colors do wonders. The paintings can tie the room together and give a unique expression to your living space. Have you rather a fanfare of colors in your home, you very well to the opposite extreme and find a work of art in more mundane colors.

A good rule of thumb is that there be than a half meter bar wall space in the central space - for example, living room and kitchen. You can therefore benefit hang many paintings up in your home, and they do not have to be the same size. One can easily have several works hanging side by side, without them having the same size. A good idea is to let either the bottom or top aligned at the same height so that it does not give a cluttered appearance.

Now, if you've decided that you should go and see the new art for your home, you may want to start your search with one of Denmark's leading online galleries.

At gallery negotiated hand-painted paintings at prices that are far below the general Danish gallery. And as a student, you get even 10% discount on all art with the discount code "kunst10".