An error-free text is your shortcut to a top grade
Spelling, comma and grammar errors always drag down and help to undermine the credibility of a text. This also applies to the text you write in the assignments you submit to your study. So when it's extra important that your task is flawless, you should sacrifice money on a reviewer. It can provide you with a shortcut to the top marks that your task deserves and save you from embarrassing errors.
The problem with a text with errors can best be explained by the old speech mode: "Text is like a pair of glasses! It's only when they're greasy you can see you're wearing them. "
The voice suggests that spelling, comma and other grammatical errors usually make us stop and read the text to understand it. It makes the text of the fat spot on your glasses because the errors force us to concentrate on the text instead of the meaning that the text would convey.
Spelling mistakes the credibility of your text
At the same time, the flaws in the text leave a shaky impression that helps to weaken the credibility of what you have written. If the author can not even spell this easy word, how can I trust that he or she has understood the subject, the reader thinks quickly - especially if there are more errors in the text.
If your reader is your teacher or worse your censor who is reading your exam, it can quickly affect the overall impression of the assignment. This puts your character at risk - and it's sad if it could be avoided.
Therefore, friends and family can not read the proof
Of course you can have one of your teammates, your girlfriend or your parents to read your assignment through. But there is no guarantee that you will end up with flawless text - unless one of them is a language nerd or works professionally with text every day.
The wording and rules for commasitization change continuously. It is something that few people get into unless they just live by writing, editing or otherwise working professionally with text.
At the same time, your friends and family are often too positive in assessing your text. So even if you may have written a terrible slurry, they may not feel like telling you.
It may also be that they simply do not have the necessary professional knowledge to judge the text from a more academic point of view. And how will it affect your relationship if they have overlooked one or more errors so you still end up with a bad character?
Therefore, it is rarely a good idea to ask friends and family to play proofreaders.
Professional proofing does not cost the checkout
But fortunately, professional proof does not have to cost the checkout. Most often, you can get a proof of study with many proofreading agencies.
This means that you will receive a professional proofreader to read your exam or thesis. Here you are sure that he / she is fully updated on the latest spelling and grammar rules, as well as being able to act as a set of fresh and completely impartial eyes on your task.
This makes the professional proofreader the shortcut to a top grade that your task deserves.