A CO2-neutral lifestyle

A CO2-neutral lifestyle

CO 2 neutral?
What does it really mean to be CO 2 neutral? Being CO 2 neutral means that you have a CO 2 emissions of 0. This will prove to be an impossible task at present. We all consume energy, energy in particular, comes from fossil fuels. When we eat food, take the bus or use our computer, we infer of CO 2. In fact, most forms of consumption CO 2 emitting. So how do you approach the matter, if you want to reduce your environmental footprint. First of all you can through various CO 2 -beregnere calculate your CO 2 emissions through various activities. Subsequently, you can consider whether you can cut down some places or find alternatives.

Make a difference
Many students and young people want to make a difference to the world that they are part of. But where do you start? It may soon seem like a daunting jungle. Although it is impossible that modern man, at present, to achieve a carbon footprint of 0, it does not mean that you should not create CO 2 reductions in your everyday life. It is possible through a few adjustments to make a difference. Small adjustments made by many will make a big difference on the whole. To create CO 2 reductions is the way to get as close to being CO 2 neutral as possible.

The biggest climate sins
One of the biggest climate sinners come from the meat industry. The production of red meat and all the processes, which is included, is a CO 2 producing action. According to food ministry's climate cookbook emit production of 1 kg. beef 19.4 kg. CO 2 equivalents. There should be run about 140 kilometers in a car to emit a quantity of CO 2, which is similar. Therefore, you can by cutting down on the intake of beef create a solid CO 2 reduction, which brings you closer to becoming CO 2 neutral. Alternatively, you can replace beef with chicken or pork, as about has a carbon footprint, which is 5-6 times less.

Placed in care
Are you living with their parents can primarily choose to switch to green power. The average Danish household emits approximately 1.2 tonnes of CO 2 in electricity consumption. So by switching to green power at such. Natur-Energi can reduce a portion of CO 2.

You can also choose to say no thanks to advertising. The average household receives each year 60 kg. paper in the mailbox. By saying no thanks to advertising reduces your carbon footprint by 140 kg. Of CO 2. Are you going to miss the commercials, you can choose to read them online.

Most of us enjoy taking a trip down to the heat occasionally. If you choose to fly you will emit substantially more CO2 than if you had chosen a more "CO2 friendly" travel form. This could be the train or car. 2 travel within Europe emit the same amount of CO 2 as a year of driving.

CO 2 compensation - Become 100% CO 2 neutral
Once you have created CO 2 reductions in your everyday life, you can choose to neutralize the rest via CO 2 offsets . By using CO 2 compensation can be 100% CO 2 neutral. The average American emits according to figures from the World Bank Data 7.2 tonnes of CO 2 per year. You can create a CO 2 reduction of 7.2 tonnes by supporting the funding of climate projects. You can for example choose to support the climate projects the company Vitapus. The projects are verified by Gold Standard, which was founded by the World Wildlife Fund. Common to all their projects is that they create permanent and measurable CO 2 reductions.